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Love is an ever-flowing force. It does not begin or end with one person in particular. Even within your own being, love preceded you; formed within it from conception to birth. To perform a permanent binding service to it is redundant. In other words, we do not provide marriage services that are intended to be forever binding. It is human choice to continue the relationship you have chosen every day. That is also the beauty of it. Creating, growing  and finding reasons (or happening upon them) to move forward in your love with your partner is powerful and takes the energy of two. No one should be dragged along in their relationships. We all should take care to be willing participants in our choosing of life journey mates


What’s provided is a ritual (ceremony) that is intended by us together to affirm those qualities that you desire to grow in together. We affirm why and we bind that together for as long as the love will be shared between the two of you.


Every year it is suggested that you go back and reaffirm that love and reevaluate those qualities to ensure you are still growing together.If you have found that the growth is no more, then the affirmations and binding can be released in a healthy manner in which both can part with love and understanding. Do not fear a relationship that doesn’t last forever. Just take care not to be tied to one forever that doesn’t grow in love.


Kulima Upendo; Cultivate Love, descibes the process necassary to have a prosperous relationship. It should also serve as a reminder that the cultivation of love must begin within your self. If you haven't practiced it there, your relationships won't feel it there either.


These practices are born from ancient principles of marriage and handfastings performed ages ago and are deeply spiritual, emotional, and practical. We are human.



Kulima Upendotm (swahili: Cutivate love)

For as long as the love shall last...


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